Ms Courtney Fingar, Business Editor, Financial Times, London
“For the past few years Lawrence has been a highly valued contributor at fDi magazine, providing cogent, detailed and insightful analysis of the Asian market. The energy, dedication and professionalism which he brings to his role at fDi as well as his broader work on behalf of AsiaBIZ (research work on ‘2007 Asia Cities of the Future’ Asia city ranking competition) are second to none.”(April 28, 2008, LinkedIn)

Mr Jimmy Leow, Managing Director, TJ Systems Pte Ltd
“I have enjoyed a good working relationship with Managing Director Mr Lawrence Yeo, whom had done a commendable job…His dedication and commitment as well as his vast experience has assisted us…I was very impressed with his periodical updates as well as final report which was detailed, specific and informative. Hence, I would strongly recommend AsiaBIZ Strategy on her quality, delivery and expertise”

Mr Colin Faulkner, Business Development Director, Tritech Group Ltd, Wales, UK.
“I would like to thank you for the work you have done. The research has been very focused and the resulting report outstanding. Thank you again for your help”.

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Food Supply
Awarded client’s Letter of Commendation for Buyer Partner Matchmaking Mission (MatchMaker): China and Singapore

Mr Jeremy Coupland,
North of England Inward Investment Agency (Yorkshire Forward)
“Excellent!” Won this 5-country investor lead generation global tender which was extended from 6 months to 18 months

Deborah Davies, Senior Account Manager, BBI Solutions, Cardiff, UK
“Your work met our project requirements very well!” (on Malaysia and Indonesia opportunities and entry)

Danny Tay, Marketing Director, ECO Special Waste Management
“We picked you as you are the only one that can do this! Help us!”

Dr Susanne Naundorf, Operations Director, Yamgo Ltd, Swansea, UK
“Thank you for your research insights and information. They are very helpful! Thanks again for all your help!”

Alvin Giam, Director, Business Development & Marketing, Kewill
“Thanks. This is great!”

Brian Jones, Director of Manufacturing, Morris Line Engineering, Bridgend, UK
“An excellent piece of work!”

Ms Patricia Figueroa, Executive Director, PROESA, El Salvador’s Investment Promotion Agency
“We are thankful for your kindness and flexibility to serve us“

Mr Alex Matheson, Trade Commissioner, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, Singapore
“Good work!”

Mr Eric Bourges, Manager, Laval Développement, Laval, western France
“Thank you for your help!”